I came across something the other day that really made me tick. Since I got married, my mother has taken it upon herself to preach to my husband. Whenever she sees him she interjects some form of JW thinking into the conversation. But what really makes me upset is when she puts letters that she writes (of course she's counting that time too!) along with magazines or invitations to special assemblies or events like the memorial in our mailbox addressed to my hubby. As I was going through some mail, I found the envelope with the letter and invitation to the memorial that she put in our mailbox. I've asked her not to do this many times, but she doesn't listen. She'll ask if my hubby got the letter, which the answer is always no. Hubby has already told me he has absolutely no desire to be a JW or go to their meetings. But my mother just doesn't let up. Not only does she leave letters at our house, I have the feeling she's doing the same at my in-laws home. I don't know for sure, but I am pretty positive she's done so on occasion. Anyway, it just really pisses me off when she does this. It feels at though she is using my connections to those around me as her personal territory, taking it upon herself to harass others by constantly preaching to them.
I have absolutely no desire to go back to the JW cult. Yes I do believe it is a cult. I am sad that my mother is so heavily entrenched in the cult, but that's her life. My only wish is that mother, or all JW's for that matter, could understand that everyone has the right to believe as they chose.
On another note, I've been finding lots of other ex-JWs out there. I came across a woman named Moxie on youtube. Her story was eerily similar to mine. For anyone with questions about JWs or for those that are struggling with life after leaving the Organization this youtube channel is great.
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